Boat Bottom Cleaning Service LLC
Professional and Knowledgeable Serving the the Bay Area ​
Christopher Steinberg (707) 693-5253 boatbottomcleaning1​@gmail.com
"Christopher thank you for your outstanding service over the last couple of years. After using two other divers with less than satisfactory results, I have been very pleased since you started working on the boat's bottom. Your services have allowed us to have continued confidence to keep the boat moving safely through the bay. I would highly recommend your service to anyone looking to improve on their current experience."
Hello my name is Christopher Steinberg, diver /owner of Boat Bottom Cleaning Service. I have been in buisness since 2014. Boat Bottom Cleaning Service is dedicated to making sure the bottom of your boat is cleaned and maintained using techniques that have the least amount of impact on your bottom paint when cleaned.
I use the softest possible cleaning pads when cleaning your hull to get the longest possible life out of your bottom coat. Regular dive service has many benefits, some are noticed immediately and others are noticed over a prolonged period of time. Let's start with the immediate impact of having your hull cleaned. First you'll notice an increase in performance and better fuel economy.
Having barnacles, mussels, oysters and three dimensional growth removed from the bottom of your boat will immediately improve the running speed of your vessel and cut down on fuel costs.
In the long term, regular cleanings prevent hard growth from having a chance to embed on your metals as well as your hull and allow me the opportunity to check and possibly change the zincs that protect your metals from electrolysis. Barnacles, oysters, mussels, and 3 dimensional growth can damage your gel coat and attach themselves to your props, shafts, and struts. This can lead to big bills on your next haul out, with yard labor costing as much as $120/hr to grind them off.
With regular preventative maintenance you'll have a much more enjoyable time getting peak performance out of your boat...

This shaft has 3 dimensional growth, heavy calcium build up, and the zinc is going to fall off; which will end up leaving nothing to protect the prop and the shaft from electrolysis.

I removed the calcium build up to get the shaft down to the bare metal to help prevent 3D growth from sticking to the shaft.